Not all dental implants are successful. Mistakes can be caused by not using high-quality materials like implant pegs or crowns or the dentist’s own fault. We have researched the most common mistakes that dentists make when placing implants. By being aware of the mistakes dentist, dental clinics and even the patients can be better prepared and create a safer implant procedure.
1. Placing implants the wrong way
Dental implants must be placed correctly in order to heal quickly and prevent problems for the patient in the future. If they are placed incorrectly problems can arise very quickly for the patient as soon as they begin, chewing or if pressure is applied to the teeth and jaw. If there is not enough bone density where the implant is installed it can cause short and long-term problems and it is the dentist’s responsibility to ensure that the bone and jaw are strong enough to take the implant. Experienced dentists and surgeons should be able to easily recognize if the bone is dense enough after an evaluation and with CT scans.
2. Using low-quality implants
This might seem obvious, but not all dental implants are created equal. A dentist that orders their dental implants from an experienced dental laboratory doesn’t have to worry about this problem. But if implants are outsourced using low-quality materials or are not produced correctly they can lead to a serious problem in the jaw. It is not safe or healthy to use low-quality dental implants.
3. Offering implants to patients who don’t need them
Not all patients are a good fit for dental implants. Your job as a dentist is to recommend the best dental solution to each patient. A good dentist needs to know the full medical records of a potential dental implant candidate before knowing if they are appropriate for them. Some lifestyles or medical conditions can disqualify a patient and can even be dangerous if they are placed on a patient who doesn’t need them or doesn’t qualify for them,
4. Not waiting enough time after placing the peg
Another common mistake is rushing the placing of the crown after pacing the peg. This period can be from a few months up to half a year. This time is essential for the peg to fuse with the bond and create a strong foundation for the crown. The crown should only be placed after proper fusion of the bone and peg has been accomplished and it is the dentist’s responsibility to follow up and check the progress during this time.
It is crucial when placing dental implants, to do it correctly. By following these 4 basic tips you can help to be on the right path to give your patients a stronger and healthier smile.
Ultimate Dental Laboratory prides itself in producing the highest quality (and affordable) dental implants for dentists in the greater New York City Area. Stop by our local dental lab or get a free estimate today!
Ultimate Dental, Denture, Crown & Implants Lab 31 W 34th St STE 7162, New York, NY 10001 (332) 282-2399